
Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Greater Richmond Chamber of CommerceJanuary 1981
Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce co-sponsored COMPOOL, the South's first non-profit ridesharing program. COMPOOL was fueled by the gas crisis of the late '70s and heightened public awareness of environmental concerns.

COMPOOL used the first-ever computerized system to arrange commuter carpools, and turnedApril 1983
COMPOOL used the first-ever computerized system to arrange commuter carpools, and turned vanpool vision into a reality.

COMPOOL changed its name to RideFinders, and joined forces with the Central RichmondJuly 1985
COMPOOL changed its name to RideFinders, and joined forces with the Central Richmond Association to develop the country's first downtown parking and commuter information service.

Marked the initiation of vans, mini-buses, and subscription bus service to Kings Dominion -- the startMarch 1987
Marked the initiation of vans, mini-buses, and subscription bus service to Kings Dominion -- the start of the landmark Capital Area Training Consortium Vanpool program, which helped arrange transportation for people who needed it most.

Work began on the Transportation Allowance program to coordinate commuter-orientedSeptember 1990
Work began on the Transportation Allowance program to coordinate commuter-oriented fringe benefits offered by Richmond Region employers. The Guaranteed Ride Home was introduced to allow ridesharing commuters who may need to leave work early or stay late a way to get home by taxi, and RideFinders would reimburse most of the cost. The first Employers Transportation Management Association was developed.

RideFinders assisted GRTC Transit System in starting the Transit Fare Subsidy Program.March 1991
RideFinders assisted GRTC Transit System in starting the Transit Fare Subsidy Program.

Commuter Store opened on East Main Street in Richmond. RideFinders teamedMay 1994
Commuter Store opened on East Main Street in Richmond. RideFinders teamed up with the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce and the Retail Merchants Association of Greater Richmond to form the Ozone Advisory Program.

Commuter Store opened on East Main Street in Richmond. RideFinders teamedJuly 1998
Commuter Store opened on East Main Street in Richmond. RideFinders teamed up with the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce and the Retail Merchants Association of Greater Richmond to form the Ozone Advisory Program.

RideFinders implemented the Commonwealth Commuter ChoiceApril 1999
RideFinders implemented the Commonwealth Commuter Choice program, that provides state employees with vanpool vouchers and transit tickets.

Convened meetings of the Vanpool Advisory Committee, a bike-pedestrian study, andMarch 2000
Convened meetings of the Vanpool Advisory Committee, a bike-pedestrian study, and the first series of ETC roundtable discussions.

"Get Aware of Your Air" initiative educates a whole new generation to the dangers ofJanuary 2001
"Get Aware of Your Air" initiative educates a whole new generation to the dangers of ground-level ozone.

Partnered with Mechanicsville Honda to give away a Honda Civic Hybrid to aMay 2003
Partnered with Mechanicsville Honda to give away a Honda Civic Hybrid to a participant in the carpool program.

First Try Transit Day partnership with GRTC Transit System. Bike Program launchedJuly 2005
First Try Transit Day partnership with GRTC Transit System. Bike Program launched with Clean Air Campaign Bike Challenge to encourage participants to ride their bikes at least one day a week. Partnered with Agee’s Bicycles to provide loaner bikes for the first 250 Bike Challenge participants to register.

After 25 years RideFinders continues to assist the public and organizations aboutJanuary 2006
After 25 years RideFinders continues to assist the public and organizations about the link between transportation choices and overall quality of life in the Central Virginia region.

Team RideFinders launched.June 2007
Team RideFinders launched.

Launched NuRide (Rideshare Incentive Program). Partnered with Theater IV to educateJanuary 2008
Launched NuRide (Rideshare Incentive Program). Partnered with Theater IV to educate elementary school students about air quality and the environment through the play, “The Air We Share.” The performance message was tailored to coincide with the science requirements of the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). Launched Team RideFinders Clean Air Heroes comic book as a supplement to the play.

Over 42 companies participate in the Telework!VA program.August 2010
Over 42 companies participate in the Telework!VA program.

RideFinders 30th Anniversary; moved to a new location, launched its Long-RangeOctober 2011
RideFinders 30th Anniversary; moved to a new location, launched its Long-Range Transportation Demand Management Plan.

Began accepting credit cards for purchases.February 2012
Began accepting credit cards for purchases.

Expanded product line by partnering with VDOT and RMA to sell EZ Pass transpondersFebruary 2013
Expanded product line by partnering with VDOT and RMA to sell EZ Pass transponders, the only vendor with onsite registration capabilities for the product.

Produced region wide Public Service Announcement partnership with DEQ.May 2013
Produced region wide Public Service Announcement partnership with DEQ.

Along with Richmond 2015, created Charter 2015, a program that recognizes RVASeptember 2013
Along with Richmond 2015, created Charter 2015, a program that recognizes RVA employers who encourage their employees to consider biking as a commute option, as well as make their business site more bicycle friendly to their employees and visitors.

Launched RideFinders On the Move mobile application; launchedMay 2014
Launched RideFinders On the Move mobile application; launched GreenRide, an interactive ridematching system, participated in Ozone Advance Program.