Programs & Services
The list below is a glossary of programs and services we provide for commuters and employers throughout the Central Virginia region. Click the links for more details and find out how you can get involved. CLICK here for up-to-date program updates and news.
Transit Information:
provides commuters with GRTC transit information and promotes the Commuter Choice and swipe card programs.
Vanpool Services:
supports vanpools, provides vanpool formation services for area employers and vanpool formation. Find my vanpool match here.
Carpool Matching:
"matches" commuters with those in their neighborhoods that also share similar work locations and hours. Find your carpool match here.
Clean Air Campaign:
helps to improve the region's air quality and notifies employers of Ozone Action Days issued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
Commuter Choice Program:
assists employers with the development and implementation of tax-free transportation benefits programs.
RideFinders serves as a resource center for program development and technical assistance for employers.
Emergency Ride Home Program:
provides taxi or rental car service to get home in the event of an emergency for registered commuters who take transit, vanpool, bike or carpool to work at least three days a week.
Transportation Planning:
supports transportation demand management (TDM) strategies through the regional transportation planning process and serves as a distribution site for requests for public input on draft transportation plans.
Employer-Based Strategies:
promotes TDM strategies through the Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) network established at employer sites.
Employer Relocation and Site Analysis Services:
assists with implementing TDM strategies during company relocations, conducts employee surveys, produces density plot maps for vanpool and carpool formation, and develops employee trip reduction programs.
Bike and Pedestrian Commuter Services:
supports commuters who bike or walk to work with the Emergency Ride Home (ERH) Program and safety clinics.
Park and Ride Lot:
provides formal and informal park and ride lot information to area commuters who are interested in taking advantage of a shared-ride commute mode.