Executive Director Kicks Off Third Annual Commute Green Summer Challenge in Episode 7
Jul 01, 2020
It's back- The 3rd Annual Commute Green Summer Challenge starts today! In this episode of VISITS with Von, our Executive Director kicks off our 3rd Annual Commute Green Summer Challenge and "green" commuting safely. CELEBRATE Earth Day, every day and use "green commuting" - walking, biking, teleworking, carpooling, vanpooling, riding transit, multimodal trips - this month and record your trips. We’re providing safety related tips and recommendations to assist commuters when communicating about carpooling, vanpooling and taking transit. While these tips are not exhaustive, we encourage you to be vigilant and continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local recommended precautions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. CLICK here to register for free or login and start recording your "green" trips.
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